Monday, September 30, 2013

The last few winter rides

The month of September still brought us plenty of low temperatures, rain and snow. Most rides were muddy, wet affairs with dirty bikes being the order of the day. Herewith a recap:


Only one of many waterfalls 
...the previous day - arrival of Reto's new trail bike...
First trail ride on his new Rocky Mountain Altitude. The smile says it all!
Julian catching his breath after pedaling up a crazy steep section to the upper Never Ending Stories

Happy to be out riding!
Somewhere on the upper Never Ending trail

Theresa enjoying the singletrack on her 29" wheels
Some fynbos can only be found higher up on the mountain

Ending off the day's riding with the Firehut trails

On another occasion - caught by the rain
Sweet rewards at the Ride In Cafe
Heading home


Out on a ride with Tim on a beautiful sunny day
New found fellow rider Mads and I on a mission in Tokai
Ominous weather, forest pretties and a classic ride

Bridge repaired on Vasbyt, flowing rivers and riding a corner

Working on Mamba

Snow on the mountain tops and riding the rebuilt Mamba trail (early days)

Checking out some unexplored lines
Down or up..?
On the Cobra trail
A rare beauty


Scenes from a ride at Contermans


Mark Gordon - the man behind the trail. Red flags spells danger - this was an unfortunate day for me.

Jumps at G-land


Skills clinic with Chris and Duran styling - Helderberg track

Riding in the hood

Noordhoek. Horse whisperer...